From Uncertainty to Motivation: Embrace Challenges and Find Solutions

mindset July 26, 2024

Hey everyone!

I just got back from a trip to Minneapolis last week with my team, and I can't wait to have more of you there next year with us in Dallas. Being in a room filled with people who are on a mission to help this world get healthy is truly the best thing ever. It's not just about getting us all healthy, it’s also about taking life into our own hands and earning what we're worth, as long as we're willing to put in the work, energy, and effort.

The energy in Minneapolis was electric. Being surrounded by passionate individuals who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world was invigorating. We exchanged ideas, shared our stories, and inspired one another to push even harder toward our goals. It's moments like these that remind me why I love what I do. The sense of community and shared purpose is incredibly powerful.


Overcoming Obstacles: Our Flight Adventure

Not everything went smoothly, though. On the way back, we encountered some issues. Our flight from Minneapolis to Tampa was canceled on Monday at noon, and we weren't able to get another one until Wednesday. Instead of freaking out and thinking it was the worst thing ever, we went straight into solution mode. I started looking at flights from different airports, and Luke looked at rental cars. Delta was going to refund our money, so we weren't worried about the financial aspect.

We knew we had to be back for something important on Tuesday, so waiting until Wednesday was not an option. Thanks to our proactive approach and the position we put ourselves in through hard work, we were able to afford immediate expenses. This is also something I can help you achieve if you decide to take that step. Financial freedom comes from making smart choices and putting in consistent effort, and it's something we're passionate about sharing with others.


Making Quick Decisions

We found that there were lots of flights out of Chicago, which is a seven-hour drive from Minneapolis. Instead of waiting around for Delta, we needed to be back for something on Tuesday, so we said, "No problem, let's get a rental car and catch a flight out of Chicago that evening."

We moved quickly, rented a car, and drove straight to Chicago. We got to the airport around 7 PM, and our flight was delayed by about an hour. By the time we got back to Tampa, it was 2 AM, and we got home at 3:30 AM. Along the way, we enjoyed the road trip and had fun together. The best part? We met an epic couple—the wife had just completed a 100-mile race and appeared on a reality TV show about surviving in the wild. We also met someone who owns a gym in Tampa and wants to learn more about what we do in nutrition and helping others.


Embracing the Journey

This experience reminded me that life is full of unexpected challenges, and it's how we respond to them that truly defines our journey. Instead of getting frustrated or stressed, we embraced the adventure. We turned what could have been a negative situation into a memorable road trip filled with laughter and new connections. It's all about perspective and the choices we make in the face of adversity.


The Power of a Positive Attitude

I always believe that things work out for the best if you keep a great attitude and put the right foot forward. It's amazing what you can achieve with the right mindset. This trip was a perfect example of that. We stayed positive, worked together as a team, and found a solution that allowed us to get back on track without missing a beat.


Five Tips for Staying Focused on Solutions

  1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation: When faced with a problem, take a deep breath and calmly assess the situation. Panic only clouds judgment. Look at the issue from different angles to understand all possible solutions.
  2. Get into Solution Mode: Instead of dwelling on the problem, shift your focus to finding a solution. Brainstorm different ways to tackle the issue and evaluate the pros and cons of each option.
  3. Take Action Quickly: Once you've identified potential solutions, act swiftly. Delaying action can lead to missed opportunities and increased stress.
  4. Stay Positive and Flexible: Maintain a positive attitude and be flexible. Sometimes the first solution you try might not work, however stay optimistic and ready to adapt.
  5. Learn and Grow: Every challenge is a learning opportunity. Reflect on what the situation taught you and how you can apply that knowledge in the future.


The Importance of Community and Support

One of the highlights of our trip was meeting so many inspiring individuals who are also committed to making a difference. Surrounding yourself with people who have the right mindset and energy can elevate your own motivation and drive. The conversations we had with fellow health enthusiasts and entrepreneurs were enlightening and reinforced the importance of community.


Building a Strong Network

Connecting with like-minded people can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Whether it's through attending events, joining online communities, or simply reaching out to others in your field, building a strong network is crucial. These connections can provide support, guidance, and inspiration as you work towards your goals.


The Culture of Personal Development

What I love about our community is the focus on personal development. Yes, we have the best products and the best marketing plan, and most importantly, we also have the best culture for growth. Personal development is at the heart of everything we do. It's about becoming the best version of yourself, not just physically, mentally and emotionally as well.


Recap: Surround Yourself with the Right Mindset

As long as you're around people with the right mindset, anything is possible. That's why I love what we do with our ambassadors and working with the number one nutrition company in the world. Yes, we have the best products and marketing plan, we also have the best culture for personal development, growth, and being the best version of yourself.

So, go out there, find the solution, and check out the video below to learn more about becoming an ambassador. Remember, with the right attitude and effort, amazing things will come to you!


What It's Like to Become an Ambassador

Joining our team as an ambassador is an incredible opportunity to not only make a difference in the world, it’s also improve your financial situation. You get to come with me and our amazing team to events and trips, where we work together to change the world, making it healthier and happier. I share more in this video about what it means to become an ambassador and join our team, so you can come on our events and trips with us. Click HERE to learn more about joining our team!


The Road Ahead

This journey to Minneapolis and back was a reminder of why I do what I do. It's about more than just fitness and nutrition; it's about building a community of strong, motivated individuals who are committed to improving themselves and the world around them. The challenges we faced and the solutions we found along the way only strengthened our resolve and proved that with the right mindset, anything is possible.

Stay Connected and Keep Pushing Forward! 



Rebecca Louise